
00001 #ifndef DBLIB_H
00002 #define DBLIB_H
00004 #include <cstdlib>
00005 #include <iostream>
00006 #include <fstream>
00007 #include <sstream>
00008 #include <string>
00009 #include <stdexcept>
00010 #include <vector>
00012 #include <TSQLServer.h>
00013 #include <TSQLResult.h>
00014 #include <TSQLRow.h>
00017 using namespace std;
00019 Bool_t DBLIB_DEBUG = kFALSE;
00020 Bool_t DBLIB_PRINT = kTRUE;
00021 string mysql_hostname="blackhole.lngs.infn.it";
00022 string mysql_user="analysis";
00024 //String Manipulation
00026 vector<string> tokenize(const string& str,const string& delimiters)
00027 {
00028     vector<string> tokens;
00030     // skip delimiters at beginning.
00031     string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
00033     // find first "non-delimiter".
00034     string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
00036     while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
00037     {
00038         // found a token, add it to the vector.
00039         tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
00041         // skip delimiters.  Note the "not_of"
00042         lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
00044         // find next "non-delimiter"
00045         pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
00046     }
00048     return tokens;
00049 }
00051 //DataBase related stuff
00053 void sql_interface(TString DBname)
00054 {
00055     //Test utility assuming a certain DBname and Table names
00056     printf("message\n");
00057     TSQLServer *db = TSQLServer::Connect("mysql://localhost/","analysis", "");
00058     printf("Server info: %s\n", db->ServerInfo());      
00059     TSQLRow *row;
00060     TSQLResult *res;
00062     // list databases available on server
00063     printf("\nList all databases on server %s\n", db->GetHost());
00064     res = db->GetDataBases();
00065     while ((row = res->Next())) 
00066     {
00067         printf("%s\n", row->GetField(0));
00068         delete row;
00069     }
00070     delete res;
00072     // list tables in database "rundb" (the permission tables)
00073     printf("\nList all tables in database \"rundb\" on server %s\n",
00074            db->GetHost());
00075     res = db->GetTables(DBname);
00076     while ((row = res->Next())) 
00077     {
00078         printf("%s\n", row->GetField(0));
00079         delete row;
00080     }
00081     delete res;
00083     // list columns in table "daqruns" in database "mysql"
00084     printf("\nList all columns in table \"daqruns\" in database \"rundb\" on server %s\n",
00085            db->GetHost());
00086     res = db->GetColumns(DBname, "daqruns");
00087     while ((row = res->Next())) 
00088     {
00089         printf("%s\n", row->GetField(0));
00090         delete row;
00091     }
00092     delete res;
00094     // query database and print results
00095     const char *sql = "SELECT runid, amplification FROM rundb.daqruns WHERE (runid>2000) AND (runid<2040) ORDER BY runid";      
00096     res = db->Query(sql);
00098     int nrows = res->GetRowCount();
00099     printf("\nGot %d rows in result\n", nrows);
00101     int nfields = res->GetFieldCount();
00102     for (int i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
00103         printf("%50s", res->GetFieldName(i));
00104     printf("\n");
00105     for (int i = 0; i < nfields*50; i++)
00106         printf("=");
00107     printf("\n");
00109     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) 
00110     {
00111         row = res->Next();
00112         for (int j = 0; j < nfields; j++) 
00113         {
00114             printf("%50s", row->GetField(j));
00115         }
00116         printf("\n");
00117         delete row;
00118     }
00120     delete res;
00121     delete db;
00123 }
00125 string DB_get_string(TString DBname, TString TABLEname, Int_t run_id, TString var, Int_t channel = 0)
00126 {
00127     //This service function provides a string corresponding to the value of a variable for a specific row.
00128     //The row corresponds to a combination of channel and run. For DB where the division in channel is not present
00129     //it provides a srting where all values are divided by commas.
00130     //Use DB_get_var to access to the single entry also in case of only run ids. 
00131     //Channel goes from 0 to N-1. Sometimes channels are excluded hence channels != index
00132     ostringstream os;
00134     //Check if localhost is the machine where MySQL server is running
00135     FILE *fp;
00136     char run_hostnamet[30];
00137     fp = popen("hostname -f","r");
00138     fscanf(fp,"%s",run_hostnamet);
00139     fclose(fp);
00140     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) printf("%s\n", run_hostnamet);
00141     string run_hostname(run_hostnamet);
00143     os.str("");
00144     if(run_hostname == mysql_hostname)
00145     {
00146         os << "mysql://localhost/";
00147     }
00148     else
00149     {
00150         os << "mysql://localhost/";//In future put mysql://deathstar.princeton.edu
00151     }
00152     // Connect to database
00153     TSQLServer *db = TSQLServer::Connect(os.str().c_str(),mysql_user.c_str(), "");
00154     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00155     {
00156         if(db)
00157         {
00158             cout << "Connected to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00159         }
00160         else
00161         {
00162             cout << "Unable to connect to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00163             std::exit(0);
00164         }
00165     }
00166     TSQLRow *row;
00167     TSQLResult *res;
00168     string result_string;
00170     os.str("");
00171     if(TABLEname == "daqruns")
00172     {//This is for Tables in which different channels ARE NOT different rows
00173         os << "SELECT " << var << " FROM " << DBname << "." << TABLEname << " WHERE runid = " << run_id;
00174     }
00175     if(TABLEname == "lasercalibration")
00176     {//This is for Tables in which different channels ARE different rows
00177         os << "SELECT " << var << " FROM " << DBname << "." << TABLEname << " WHERE runid = " << run_id << " and channel=" << channel;
00178     }
00179     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) 
00180         cout << os.str() << endl;
00181     res = db->Query(os.str().c_str());;
00183     int nrows = res->GetRowCount();
00184     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00185     {
00186         cout << "Got " << nrows << " rows in result" << endl;
00187     }
00189     int nfields = res->GetFieldCount();//If SELECTED multiple variables
00190     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00191     {
00192         cout << nfields << " variables selected" << endl; 
00193     }
00194     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) 
00195     {
00196         row = res->Next();
00197         for (int j = 0; j < nfields; j++) 
00198         {
00199             if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00200             { 
00201                 cout << var << " = " << row->GetField(j) << endl;
00202             }
00203             result_string = row->GetField(j);
00204         }
00205         delete row;
00206     }
00208     delete res;
00209     delete db;
00210     return result_string;
00211 }
00214 string DB_get_var(TString DBname, TString TABLEname, Int_t run_id, TString var, Int_t channel = 0)
00215 {
00216     //Use this to get variable from DB.
00217     //Channel goes from 0 to N-1. Sometimes channels are excluded hence channels != index
00218     string result_string;
00219     ostringstream os;
00220     if(TABLEname == "daqruns")
00221     {
00222         os.str("");
00223         os << DB_get_string(DBname, TABLEname, run_id, "channel_ids", channel);
00224         vector<string> tokens = tokenize(os.str(), ",");
00225         Int_t exist_id=-1;
00226         for(int i=0;i<(int)tokens.size();i++)
00227         {
00228             //cout << "tokens[i].c_str()=" << tokens[i].c_str() 
00229             //<< " atoi(tokens[i].c_str())=" << atoi(tokens[i].c_str()) 
00230             //<< " channel=" << channel << endl;
00232             if(atoi(tokens[i].c_str())==channel)
00233             {
00234                 if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00235                 {
00236                     cout << "tokens[i].c_str()=" << tokens[i].c_str() 
00237                          << " atoi(tokens[i].c_str())=" << atoi(tokens[i].c_str()) 
00238                          << " channel=" << channel << endl;
00239                     cout << "Channel " << channel << " is active" << endl;
00240                 }
00241                 exist_id=i;
00242                 break;
00243             }
00244         }
00245         if(exist_id==-1)
00246         {//Error
00247             cout << "Channel " << channel << " was deactivated for the analysis (or does not exist)!" << endl;
00248             return 0;
00249         }
00250         os.str("");
00251         os << DB_get_string(DBname, TABLEname, run_id, var, channel);
00252         vector<string> tokens2 = tokenize(os.str(), ",");
00253         if(exist_id>(Int_t)tokens2.size())
00254         {//Error
00255             cout << "The variable " << var << " refers to the run and not only to channel " << channel << endl;
00256         }
00257         else
00258         {       
00259             if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) cout << tokens2[exist_id] << endl;
00260             result_string = tokens2[exist_id];
00261         }
00262     }
00263     if(TABLEname == "lasercalibration")
00264     {
00265         result_string = DB_get_string(DBname, TABLEname, run_id, var, channel);
00266     }
00267     return result_string;
00268 }
00270 Double_t DB_get_spe(TString DBname, TString TABLEname, Int_t run_id, Int_t channel = 0)
00271 {
00273     //Channel goes from 0 to N-1. Sometimes channels are excluded hence channels != index
00274     ostringstream os;
00275     Double_t spe=0;
00277     //Check if localhost is the machine where MySQL server is running
00278     FILE *fp;
00279     char run_hostnamet[30];
00280     fp = popen("hostname -f","r");
00281     fscanf(fp,"%s",run_hostnamet);
00282     fclose(fp);
00284     string run_hostname(run_hostnamet);
00286     os.str("");
00287     if(run_hostname == mysql_hostname)
00288     {
00289         os << "mysql://localhost/";
00290     }
00291     else
00292     {
00293         os << "mysql://localhost/";//In future put mysql://deathstar.princeton.edu
00294     }
00295     //Connect to database
00296     TSQLServer *db = TSQLServer::Connect(os.str().c_str(),mysql_user.c_str(), "");
00297     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00298     {
00299         if(db)
00300         {
00301             cout << "Connected to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00302         }
00303         else
00304         {
00305             cout << "Unable to connect to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00306             std::exit(0);
00307         }
00308     }
00309     TSQLRow *row;
00310     TSQLResult *res;
00311     string result_string;
00312     const long max_time_sep = 60*60*24;//60*60*24*14; //two weeks
00313     os.str("");
00314     //os << "SELECT runid,pdfmean,ABS(runid-" << run_id << ") AS dr,ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" 
00315     //  << DB_get_var(DBname, "daqruns", run_id, "starttime") <<"')-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(runtime)) AS dt FROM " 
00316     //  << DBname << "." << TABLEname 
00317     //  << " WHERE useme=true and channel="<< channel 
00318     //  << " HAVING dt < "<< max_time_sep << " ORDER BY dr ASC";
00320     os << "SELECT runid,pdfmean,ABS(runid-" << run_id 
00321        << ") AS dr,ABS(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('" << DB_get_var(DBname, "daqruns", run_id, "starttime") 
00322        <<"')-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(runtime)) AS dt FROM " << DBname << "." << TABLEname 
00323        << " WHERE useme=true and channel="<< channel 
00324        << " HAVING dt < "<< max_time_sep 
00325        << " ORDER BY dt ASC";
00327     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) cout << os.str().c_str() << endl;
00328     res = db->Query(os.str().c_str());
00329     //  
00330     int nrows = res->GetRowCount();
00331     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) 
00332         printf("\nGot %d rows in result\n", nrows);
00333     if(nrows == 0) 
00334         return 0.;
00335     int nfields = res->GetFieldCount();
00336     for (int i = 0; i < nfields; i++)
00337         if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) printf("%40s", res->GetFieldName(i));
00338     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) 
00339         printf("\n");
00340     for (int i = 0; i < nfields*40; i++)
00341         if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) printf("=");
00342     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) printf("\n");
00344     for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) 
00345     {
00346         row = res->Next();
00347         if (DB_get_var(DBname, "daqruns", run_id, "voltage", channel).compare(DB_get_var(DBname, "daqruns", atoi(row->GetField(0)), "voltage", channel)) == 0){
00348             if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00349             {
00350                 for (int j = 0; j < nfields; j++) 
00351                 {
00352                     printf("%40s", row->GetField(j));
00353                 }
00354             }
00355             spe = atof(DB_get_var(DBname, "lasercalibration", atoi(row->GetField(0)), "pdfmean", channel).c_str());
00356             cout << endl;
00357             cout << "Calibration Run" << atoi(row->GetField(0)) << "- Channel[" << channel << "]=";
00358             break;
00359         }
00360         delete row;
00361     }
00362     delete res;
00363     delete db;
00364     return spe;
00365 }
00367 bool DB_does_run_exist(TString DBname, TString TABLEname, Int_t run_id)
00368 {
00369     //CHeck if run exists in database table
00370     ostringstream os;
00372     //Check if localhost is the machine where MySQL server is running
00373     FILE *fp;
00374     char run_hostnamet[30];
00375     fp = popen("hostname -f","r");
00376     fscanf(fp,"%s",run_hostnamet);
00377     fclose(fp);
00378     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) 
00379         printf("%s\n", run_hostnamet);
00380     string run_hostname(run_hostnamet);
00382     os.str("");
00383     if(run_hostname == mysql_hostname)
00384         os << "mysql://localhost/";
00385     else
00386         os << "mysql://localhost/";//In future put mysql://deathstar.princeton.edu
00388     // Connect to database
00389     TSQLServer *db = TSQLServer::Connect(os.str().c_str(),mysql_user.c_str(), "");
00390     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00391     {
00392         if(db)
00393             cout << "Connected to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00394         else
00395         {
00396             cout << "Unable to connect to " << os.str().c_str() << " as " << mysql_user.c_str() << endl;
00397             std::exit(0);
00398         }
00399     }
00401     TSQLResult *res;
00402     os.str("");
00403     os << "SELECT * FROM " << DBname << "." << TABLEname << " WHERE runid = " << run_id;
00405     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE) 
00406         cout << os.str() << endl;
00408     res = db->Query(os.str().c_str());;
00410     int nrows = res->GetRowCount();
00412     bool exist = false;
00414     if (nrows > 0)
00415         exist = true;
00417     if(DBLIB_DEBUG == kTRUE)
00418         cout << "Got " << nrows << " rows in result" << endl;
00420     delete res;
00421     delete db;
00422     return exist;
00423 }
00425 #endif
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Generated on 20 Jun 2014 for daqman by  doxygen 1.6.1