Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AddCutFunctorUtility class to dynamically add cuts to modules from a config file
CommandSwitch::AddVal< T >Increment a variable by the amount supplied on the command line
AsciiWriterModule which dumps the waveform of a channel to a text file
AsyncEventHandlerClass which processes events in asyncronous batches for real-time daq monitoring
AverageWaveformsAverages the signals for each channel over an entire run (with some basic cuts)
BaseDaqAbstract class to define a DAQ hardware interface
BaselineVariables related to the found baseline for a channel
BaselineFinderSearches the beginning of a channel's waveform to determine baselineBaseline finder searches for a (possibly) moving baseline DC offset in pulse data. It does this by taking a moving average (pre_samps before and post_samps after) for those points where the sample amplitude within the full average window is less than max_amplitude (or max_sum_amplitude)
BaseModuleAbstract base module class
BranchDisablerUtility functor to allow disabling of a branch from the config file
BranchEnablerUtility functor to allow enabling of a branch from the config file
ChanFitSettingsBase class representing a cut to check whether a module should run
ChannelDataProcessed information for each channel and pointers to raw data
ChannelModuleAbstract class that acts on each channel of an event
ProcessingCuts::CheckNPulsesCut to pass an event based on the total number of 'pulses' detected
ProcessingCuts::CheckRegionPass an event based on a value from a specific region of interest
ConfigHandler::CommandSwitch< Action >Concrete implementation of VCommandSwitch
ConfigFunctor< readfunc, writefunc >Treat a functor as a ParameterNode, callable by config file
ConfigFunctorDummyReadNull-op utility class for ConfigFunctors that don't need read functionality
ConfigFunctorDummyWriteNull-op utility class for ConfigFunctors that don't need write functionality
ConfigHandlerGlobal singleton ParameterList to handle all configuration
ParameterIOimpl::Constructor< T >
ParameterIOimpl::Constructor< boost::shared_ptr< T > >
ParameterIOimpl::Constructor< T * >
ConvertDataConvert the raw data pointer to useable variables
CosmicMonitorCosmicMonitor processes info on the cosmic ray channel
AddCutFunctor::CutRegistrar< T >Template class that registers a specific cut of type T
RawEvent::datablockAccess to data blocks
CommandSwitch::Decrement< T >Decrement a variable using the -- prefix operator
CommandSwitch::DefaultRead< T >Read a single variable from the command line using stream operator
CommandSwitch::DefaultRead< std::string >
DeprecatedParameter< T >
runinfo::DialogFieldUtility class to handle querying user for metadata Completely hide this from root!
DifferentiatorNumerically differentiate a channel's waveform
eTrainLeaves you the worst channel and first/last bad events for grassy runs
eTrainFinderCheck for pulses in the pre-S1 window
EvalRoisEvaluate statistics over defined regions of interest
EventWrapper class that holds raw and processed data for a trigger
EventDataProcessed data for a trigger which is stored in the ROOT tree
EventHandlerMaster class which controls processing events by enabled modules
FitterFit a pulse with some PDF
FitTH1FA small extensin of TH1F to store a FitResults
FParameterCalculate the fparameter (ratio of fast/slow amplitudes) for a pulse
GenericAnalysisCalculate generic info - used for testing purposes
CommandSwitch::Increment< T >Increment a variable using the ++ prefix operator
intarrayTreat an array of any-sized integers as a generic pointer/iterator
IntegratorIntegrate a channel's waveform digitally
keyboardAllows single character commands on a linux terminal
LightYieldGraphClass to generate a scaled/calibrated plot of light yield vs time
CommandSwitch::LoadConfigFileLoad a parameter list from the specified config file
MessageThread-safe streaming utility with settable threshold
MessageHandlerGlobal class which accepts messages from different threads and sends them to different receivers
MessageHandler::Messenger< MsgAction >
ConfigHandler::OrderCommandSwitchPointersUtility class for sorting command switches
Parameter< T >Template implementation of VParamterNode, allows any variable to be set/read via stl iostreams
ParameterListConcrete implementation of VParameterNode, contains map of sub-paramsClasses which would like to have sections managed by config files should inherit from ParameterList, then use the RegisterParameter function to assign string names to the variables which can be config'd
phraseString with overloaded iostream operators to read whitespace and empty strings
MessageHandler::PrintToStreamA useful message function for cout, fstream
ProcessedPlotterPlots raw waveforms and some processed results for each channel
ProcessingCutBase class representing a cut to check whether a module should run
PulseStores information relevant to a single scintillation event
PulseFinderSearches for individual scintillation events within a trigger
PulseFitDefines a function to fit scintillation pulses and store results
PulseShapeEvalPulseShapeEval processes ..
RawEventContainer for a block of raw data
RawWriterStores the raw data buffer onto disk in gzip'ped format
ReaderReads raw events from a data file for processing
RoiStores info about a region of interest defined by start,end time
RootGraphixDisplays ROOT canvases, etc, outside the ROOT interactive environment
RootWriterStore processed EventData objects for each trigger into a ROOT tree
runinfoContains default and user-specified metadata about each run acquired
S1S2EvaluationCalculates S1 and S2
CommandSwitch::SetValue< T >Set a variable to the pre-defined supplied value
SmootherModule which 'smooths' pulses by taking a moving average window
SpeStore information about a single photoelectron pulse in the root tree
SpeFinderSearch for single-photoelectron events in the tails of scintillation
SumChannelsCreates an extra 'channel' which is the sum of all channels
SumOfIntegralStores information relevant to the sum of single scintillation event across all channels
SumOfIntegralEvalSumOfIntegralEval processes ..
TimeOfFlightTimeOfFlight finds the number of particles detected in the defined region of the channel and the arrive time of the earliest particle detected
TOFStore information about a single pulse in the root tree
CommandSwitch::ToggleToggle the value of a boolean variable
UnspikesStore number of rising edges found by eTrainFinder
V172X_BoardDataData retreived from each board for a single trigger
V172X_BoardParamsParameter list for each V172X digitizer in the crate
V172X_ChannelParamsParameter list for each channel on a V172X digitizer
V172X_DaqConcrete implementation of BaseDaq for CAEN V172X digitizers
V172X_EventData for the event and vector of board info for a trigger
V172X_ParamsParameters relevant to all boards in the run
ConfigHandler::VCommandSwitchAbstract base class represents command line switch for containers
AddCutFunctor::VCutAbstract cut class to be stored in STL containers
VParameterNodeAbstract class with iostream operators to store specialized templates in STL containers
WarpVetoCalculate in real-time simple statistics for the warp veto
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Generated on 20 Jun 2014 for daqman by  doxygen 1.6.1