cuts - Skip processing of some modules based on cuts
[modules - functions to process raw data in series]


class  ChanFitSettings
 Base class representing a cut to check whether a module should run. More...
class  FitTH1F
 A small extensin of TH1F to store a FitResults. More...
class  AddCutFunctor
 Utility class to dynamically add cuts to modules from a config file. More...
class  ProcessingCuts::CheckNPulses
 Cut to pass an event based on the total number of 'pulses' detected. More...
class  ProcessingCuts::CheckRegion
 Pass an event based on a value from a specific region of interest. More...
class  ProcessingCut
 Base class representing a cut to check whether a module should run. More...


namespace  ChanFitSettings

Segments cuts so they don't conflict with modules in empty namespace.

namespace  ProcessingCuts

Segments cuts so they don't conflict with modules in empty namespace.


file  ChanFitSettings.hh

Defines the ChanFitSettings base class.

file  AddCutFunctor.hh

Defines AddCutFunctor utility class.

file  CheckNPulses.hh

Defines the CheckNPulses cut.

file  CheckRegion.hh

Defines the CheckRegion cut.

file  ProcessingCut.hh

Defines the ProcessingCut base class.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Generated on 20 Jun 2014 for daqman by  doxygen 1.6.1