LightYieldCorrection.hh File Reference

Monte Carlo simulation of a single pulse to determine the light yield correction factor used when integrating. More...

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TGraph * MakeFakePulse (TGraph *singlepe, int nphotons, TGraph *output=0, double spe_resolution=0.0, double t0=-0.18, double fprompt=0.25, double tslow=1.4, double tfast=0.007, double jitter=0., bool use_binomial=true)
 Create fake pulse by repeating singlepe several times from exp distributions.
TGraph * GetNormalizedSPETemplate (int channel)
 Get a TGraph representing the average single photoelectron response.
void TestCorrectionWithNphotons (int channel, int ntrials, int npoints, int min_photons, int photons_step)
 Vary the number of photons while testing the light yield correction.
void TestCorrectionWithTimeParams (int channel, int ntrials, double t0center, double t0width, double fpromptcenter, double fpromptwidth, double tslowcenter, double tslowwidth)
 Vary the timing parameters while testing the light yield correction.
TGraphErrors * PlotYieldvsNPE (const char *file, int npoints, int min_photons, int photons_step, const char *treename="yield")
 Plot and fit the light yield vs npe.

Detailed Description

Monte Carlo simulation of a single pulse to determine the light yield correction factor used when integrating.


Definition in file LightYieldCorrection.hh.

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Generated on 20 Jun 2014 for daqman by  doxygen 1.6.1