
00001 #include "TF1.h"
00002 #include "TSpectrum.h"
00003 #include "TH1.h"
00004 #include "TMath.h"
00005 #include "TCanvas.h"
00006 #include "TAxis.h"
00007 #include "TLegend.h"
00008 #include "TRegexp.h"
00009 #include "TLine.h"
00010 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
00011 #include "analysis/utilities.C"
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <string>
00014 #include <algorithm>
00015 #include <numeric>
00016 #include <vector>
00018 using namespace std;
00019 double epeak = 511.;
00021 double Fit511Photopeak(TH1* h, double* error=0)
00022 {
00023   TSpectrum spec(1);
00024   spec.Search(h);
00025   h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Energy [photoelectrons]");
00026   h->Draw("e");
00027   TH1* bg = spec.Background(h);
00028   TH1* sig = (TH1*)(h->Clone());
00029   sig->SetLineColor(kGreen);
00031   sig->Add(bg,-1);
00032   sig->Draw("same e");
00033   sig->Fit("gaus","m","same e");
00034   TF1* gaus = sig->GetFunction("gaus");
00035   if(gaus)
00036     gaus->SetLineColor(kGreen);
00038   bg->SetLineColor(kRed);
00039   bg->Draw("same e");
00041   TLine* line = new TLine(gaus->GetParameter(1),0,
00042                           gaus->GetParameter(1),h->GetMaximum());
00043   line->SetLineColor(kBlue);
00044   line->SetLineWidth(2);
00045   line->Draw();
00048   double yield = spec.GetPositionX()[0]/epeak;
00049   double err = 0;
00051   cout<<"Results from TSpectrum: \n\t"
00052       <<"Peak = "<<spec.GetPositionX()[0]<<" p.e.; Light Yield = "
00053       <<yield<<" p.e./keV"<<endl;
00054   if(gaus){
00055     yield = gaus->GetParameter(1)/epeak;
00056     err = gaus->GetParError(1)/epeak;
00057     cout<<"Results from BG Subtracted Gaus Fit: \n\t"
00058         <<"Peak = "<<gaus->GetParameter(1)<<" p.e.; Light Yield = "
00059         <<yield<<" +/- "<<err<<" p.e./keV"<<endl;
00060     err = max(err, TMath::Abs(yield-spec.GetPositionX()[0]/epeak));
00062   }
00063   TLegend* leg = new TLegend(.6,.6,.9,.9);
00064   leg->AddEntry(h,"Raw Spectrum","lpe");
00065   leg->AddEntry(bg,"Background","lpe");
00066   leg->AddEntry(sig,"Signal","lpe");
00067   char title[20];
00068   sprintf(title,"Yield = %.2f pe/keV",yield);
00069   leg->AddEntry(line, title ,"l");
00070   leg->Draw();
00072   if(error) *error = err;
00073   return yield;
00074 }
00076 double Na22LightYield(const char* filename, double* error=0)
00077 {
00078   TTree* Events = GetEventsTree(filename);
00079   if(!Events)
00080     return 0;
00081   gROOT->ProcessLine(".x analysis/Aliases.C");
00082   //get the run number from the filename
00083   TString title = TString("Na22 Spectrum, ") + 
00084     TString(filename)(TRegexp("Run......"));
00085   TH1F* hist = new TH1F("Na22Spec",title,200,1000,2500);
00086   Events->Draw("sumspec >> Na22Spec","min > 0","e");
00087   return Fit511Photopeak(hist, error);
00089 }
00091 TGraphErrors* PlotLightYieldGraph()
00092 {
00093   string filename;
00094   vector<double> x,y,ex,ey;
00095   while(1){
00096     cout<<"\n\nEnter next file to process; <enter> to finish."<<endl;
00097     getline(cin, filename);
00098     if(filename=="")
00099       break;
00101     //load the tree
00102     TTree* Events = GetEventsTree(filename.c_str());
00103     if(!Events)
00104       continue;
00105     gROOT->ProcessLine(".x analysis/Aliases.C");
00106     double start = Events->GetMinimum("timestamp");
00107     double end = Events->GetMaximum("timestamp");
00108     double error = 0;
00109     TString title = TString("Na22 Spectrum, ") + 
00110       TString(filename)(TRegexp("Run......"));
00111     TH1F* hist = new TH1F("Na22Spec",title,200,1000,2500);
00112     Events->Draw("sumspec >> Na22Spec","min > 0","e");
00113     double yield = Fit511Photopeak(hist,&error);
00115     x.push_back((start+end)/2.);
00116     ex.push_back((end-start)/2.);
00117     y.push_back(yield);
00118     ey.push_back(error);
00119   }
00120   if(x.size() == 0){
00121     cerr<<"No valid points found!"<<endl;
00122     return 0;
00123   }
00124   TGraphErrors* graph = new TGraphErrors(x.size(),&x[0],&y[0],&ex[0],&ey[0]);
00125   graph->Draw("ape");
00126   TAxis* xax = graph->GetXaxis();
00127   xax->SetTitle("Run Time");
00128   xax->SetTimeDisplay(1);
00129   xax->SetTimeFormat("%Y/%m/%d");
00130   xax->SetTimeOffset(1,"gmt");
00131   TAxis* yax = graph->GetYaxis();
00132   yax->SetTitle("511 keV Light Yield [pe/keV]");
00133   graph->Draw("ape");
00134   return graph;
00135 }
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