daqroot - ROOT environment plus extra classes/functions


class  LightYieldGraph
 Class to generate a scaled/calibrated plot of light yield vs time. More...
class  Baseline
 Variables related to the found baseline for a channel. More...
class  ChannelData
 processed information for each channel and pointers to raw data More...
class  eTrain
 leaves you the worst channel and first/last bad events for grassy runs. More...
class  EventData
 Processed data for a trigger which is stored in the ROOT tree. More...
class  Pulse
 Stores information relevant to a single scintillation event. More...
class  PulseFit
 Defines a function to fit scintillation pulses and store results. More...
class  Roi
 Stores info about a region of interest defined by start,end time. More...
class  Spe
 Store information about a single photoelectron pulse in the root tree. More...
class  SumOfIntegral
 Stores information relevant to the sum of single scintillation event across all channels. More...
class  TOF
 Store information about a single pulse in the root tree. More...
class  Unspikes
 Store number of rising edges found by eTrainFinder. More...


file  FitOverROI.hh

defines FitOverROI namespace and functions for fitting laser data.

file  LightYield.hh

Classes and functions for calculating light yield for source runs.

file  LightYieldCorrection.hh

Monte Carlo simulation of a single pulse to determine the light yield correction factor used when integrating.

file  utilities.hh

Useful functions for loading trees/files/etc within root.

file  daqroot.cc

main file for the daqroot executable

file  Baseline.hh

Defines the Baseline data class.

file  ChannelData.hh

Defines the ChannelData storage class.

file  eTrain.hh

defines the eTrain storage class

file  EventData.hh

Defines the EventData storage class.

file  Pulse.hh

Defines the Pulse data class.

file  PulseFit.hh

Defines the PulseFit storage class.

file  Roi.hh

Defines the Roi storage class.

file  Spe.hh

Defines the Spe storage class.

file  SumOfIntegral.hh

Defines the SumOfIntegral data class.

file  Unspikes.hh

Defines the Unspikes storage class.


TFile * OpenFile (const char *filename, const char *option="READ")
 Open a file, and make sure it actually did open properly.
TTree * GetEventsTree (const char *filename)
 Load the 'Events' tree from a given file.
TGraph * GetAverageGraph (const char *filename, int channel)
 Load the 'average_channel#' graph from a given file for channel n.
TGraphErrors * GetAverageGraph (int run_no, int channel)
 Load the 'average_channel#' graph from the official file for run run_no and channel n.
double GetBaseline (TGraph *g, int npts=100, bool subtract=false)
 Get the baseline of a TGraph by averagint the first npts points.
int DividePad (TPad *p, int nplots)
 Decide how to divde a pad based on the number of plots.
int explode_string (const std::string &s, char delim, std::vector< std::string > &out)
 Break a string at char delim into subtstrings in the out vector.
std::vector< std::string > explode_cut (const TCut &cut)
 Break a compound TCut into it's individual pieces.
void DrawOperationsBoxes (bool drawbubble=true, bool drawrecirc=true)
 Draw TBoxes on a graph where we did mechanical operations on the detector.
TGraph * GetRealEvent (const char *filename, int eventnum, int channel)
 Get the response for the given channel and event in file as a TGraph.
ChannelDataGetChannelData (const char *filename, int eventnum, int channel)
 Get the pointer to ChannelData the the given event and channel.
double CorrelationCoefficient (int npts, double *x, double *y)
 Calculate the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
TCut GetStandardCuts ()
 Get a TCut with the standard analysis cuts.
TCut GetTwoPulseCuts ()
 Get a TCut with standard cuts used for two-phase runs.
TCut GetOnePulseCuts (bool onlyone=true)
 Get a TCut with standard cuts used for single-phase runs.
TCanvas * TwoPulsePlots (TTree *Events, bool queryfit=false, TCut cuts="", TCanvas *c=new TCanvas)
 Plot relevant plots for 2-pulse events.
TCanvas * OnePulsePlots (TTree *Events, TCut cuts="", TCanvas *c=new TCanvas)
 Plot relevant plots for 1-pulse events.
TCanvas * PlotSpeDistributions (TTree *Events, bool normalize=true)
 Plot the single photoelectron distribution from in-run events.
double ElectronLifetime (TTree *Events, bool newcanvas=false, bool defaultlimits=true)
 Get the electron lifetime for a run.
void SaveHistoToFile (TObject *c)
 Print a TH1 bin contents to a text file.
void CustomizeHistogramMenus ()
 Add menus to TH1{F,D}.
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Generated on 20 Jun 2014 for daqman by  doxygen 1.6.1